Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Featured at Tri-State Eating Disorder Conference

Happening April 12th and 13th, this exclusive event presents a rare opportunity to glean insights from the pioneering mind behind Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, Dr. Richard (Dick) Schwartz. Recently featured on widely acclaimed author Glennon Doyle's popular podcast, We Can Do Hard Things, Dick guides Glennon through an exploration of her own internal system of parts, particularly those intertwined with her eating disorder. In a captivating two-part follow-up episode, he extends his guidance to Glennon's co-hosts, Abby Wambach and Amanda Doyle, as they embark on their own explorations of their internal parts.

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Andi Butts
Navigating Mental Health and Trauma: Talk Therapy vs. EMDR

Traditional talk therapy has long been the cornerstone of mental health treatment. Under the expansive umbrella of talk therapy lie numerous approaches, among them the popularly practiced cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), humanistic therapy, and psychodynamic therapy.

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Andi Butts
Five Ways You Can Fight Against Misogynistic Beauty Standards Today

In our latest blog post, we explored some of the underpinnings of our society's obsession with thinness, uncovering a reality more nuanced and insidious than a mere preference for a certain body type. Rather, our society’s idealization of thinness is embedded in our broader patriarchal culture, disproportionately affecting women—and intentionally so at that!

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Andi Butts
Team Discussion of the Month: Love Knows No Size

Valentine’s Day is upon us! Perhaps because our culture holds romantic love in such high esteem, typically above other forms of love (such as familial love and the love shared between friends), this very reminder of the upcoming holiday carries great significance for many—and not always in the holiday’s favor.

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Andi Butts
Team Discussion of the Month: The Impact of Diet Culture on Families: A Look at Almond Moms

Content warning: This blog post discusses dieting, disordered eating, body image, and weight. 

Ah, diet culture: that insidious, pervasive system of cultural myths that, in one way or another, tells us our health, character, and worth depend upon the fact of whether or not we are thin. Diet culture’s pervasiveness (and centuries-long history, which is rooted in white supremacy, healthism, and patriarchy) makes it so its pro-thin, anti-fat messages are difficult if not impossible to escape. It’s in the air we breathe. 

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Andi Butts
Out With “Self-Improvement”: Making a Resolution to Face Your Trauma in the New Year

For many of us, the beginning of a new year is an energizing time. We embark on our New Year’s resolutions with the hope that this year will be the one where we become who we were always destined to be—the fitter, richer*, or otherwise “better” versions of ourselves that were lying dormant inside us all along, ready to be awakened. The underlying assumption is that it is only through the “bettering” of ourselves that we become worthwhile and whole. 

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Andi Butts
New Year's Resolutions: Why don't they work?

New year, new you! It’s time to plan a lifestyle overhaul! Or maybe not. After all, most New Year’s resolutions go out the window after January anyway. And setting goals for the new year doesn’t make you ‘better.’ You are 100% enough right now. But if you do want to strive for personal development, that’s great too. To find out how to set attainable goals, let’s look at why New Year’s resolutions often don’t work in the first place.

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Kate Rodriguez
Where Do Body Image Issues Come From?

Having a negative body image can increase the negative thoughts and feelings a person has about themselves and be a driving factor to change their bodies through risky disordered behaviors like dieting, excessive exercise, invasive medical procedures and purging.

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Andi Butts