Ashley Ellis Eid

Most everyone has struggled with body image at some point in their life. Having a safe, therapeutic environment to explore this is important. I work with clients on identifying body image related thoughts and beliefs, exploring where they come from, challenging dysfunctional beliefs, and developing an acceptance voice. My Approach I strive to create a […]
Jen Villaseñor

We live in a world that is teeming with expectations. Expectations to be attractive but not too attractive, funny but not immature, interesting but not ‘attention seeking,’ confident but humble, compassionate but not a push-over… this list could go on. It can be a challenge to develop a strong sense of self amidst contradictory messages […]
Courtney Fazli

You’re likely pretty tired; exhausted might be a better word. With the onslaught of diet culture and incredibly targeted ads on your phone, it feels like there’s no sacred place to get peace from the negative thoughts about yourself and your body. I am here to help you not feel so overwhelmed and confused as […]
Lauren Lambert

Life is full of trials and tribulations that influence our pain and suffering. When struggling with an eating disorder, you might have difficulty seeing the necessity of getting help. You might minimize or deny the impact of your intrusive thoughts and harmful behaviors on the quality of your life. You may even think your eating […]
Faith Brandt

Being a human being can be a beautiful experience, and it can also be very challenging. When we are struggling, it is easy to feel alone and isolated in our difficulties, creating feelings of sadness, anxiety, frustration and hopelessness. Often, we are aware it is time for a change in our lives, yet we may […]
Samantha Young

Life can sometimes be tumultuous and overwhelming. Maybe all too frequently you have found yourself in this position without a safe place to land. You may have felt trapped by shame, guilt, negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your body and are not sure where to turn. Perhaps you have frequently tried to be”okay” […]
Alisha Rowe

Our culture and society is obsessed with food and nutrition – often in a negative way. Most social discussions lead to weight loss and diets. It is hard to get accurate and science-based nutrition information with social media constantly burdening us with ads and blog posts from non-qualified people. I want to provide nutrition facts […]
Marcella Cox

Available for IFS, Somatic IFS & Eating Disorder professional consultation You care a lot about the world in which you live and are working hard to create a life that accurately reflects who you are and what you value. You know a lot about yourself, but your struggles are getting in the way of reaching […]